Monthly Archives: Dec 2018


Strong Penelope

who kept faith to the return

of her brave husband,

and her sense of elation

on their day of reckoning




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Filed under Inspired by fable, Self compositions, Tanka

MLMM’s #Heeding Haiku With Chèvrefeuille, December 26th 2018

Back home from the War,

many uncertain if by,

luck or God’s judgment

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Filed under As you read it, Factual, faith, Haiku, Self compositions


From on high we hear

a shower, a melody,

of light, gilded rain,

seldom seen the skylark, who

soars aloft in tuneful voice



Filed under Factual, nature inspired, Self compositions, Tanka

RonovanWrites #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge #233 Chaste&Blush

A frail gauze goblet

hides the chaste blush of the rose

sips shared by lovers




Filed under As you read it, Haiku, nature inspired

Alphabet haiku #LetterY

Yucky yetis yowl,

yodelling yeomen yoke yaks

yields yellow yoghurt.



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Filed under Haiku, Inspired by fable, nature inspired, Self compositions, Whimsical

The final journey

Lately departed,

borne on ebony shoulders

solemn eyes, brows creased,

handfuls of damp, scattered earth

start to dance upon the wood

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Filed under Uncategorized

Sue Vincent’s #Thursday photo prompt: Setting #writephoto

And all those gathered on the Plain of Saarkand breathed a sigh of relief as one.

For as they looked to the East, the first rays of the New Sun arose over the hill that was called The Old Maid’s breast.
The harsh days of the cold season were past until the dark days arrived once more, as ordained by the Spirits of Earth and Sky.

With the rising of the sun the dark shadow of the beast, which the more superstitious among them had perceived as Kerhaan, the Dragon of Darkness, began to fade and crumble into glowing silver clouds. Soon to fall as life-giving rain on the high mountains. The rivers would flow freely once more down to the barren plain.

So would begin the new life phase.

Encouraged by the daily, ever-rising heat of the sun and the watering of the beast’s blood the farmers could once more begin the tilling of the earth and the sowing of the seed.

The Elders would continue to offer the sacrifice to the Ancestors and if they were not displeased once more would they fill the grain stores and feed their flocks.

Life for all would be good again.


Filed under Alternative history, As you read it, Flash fiction, nature inspired, Old knowledge, Self compositions, Temperatures rising

MLMM’s #Heeding Haiku With Chèvrefeuille, December 19th 2018, Candles


Long  white lava flows

escape the flickering flame

waxy smoke rising


Filed under As you read it, Haiku, Self compositions

#Sunday Photo Fiction – December 16, 2018


Photo Credit: Anurag Bakhshi

Looking down from our seats in the helicopter it was obvious. Our suspicions were confirmed.

Notwithstanding the difficulty these people must have experienced in transporting  themselves, their families and all  the materials necessary, to this remote volcanic island.  A small piece of land which would not ordinarily merit inclusion on most maps of the world. Somehow they had bypassed all the planning regulations so carefully monitored and enforced by the government.

Instead of the the small group of tents and temporary camp the wild-life film crew had assured them would be all that was necessary,  they had managed to build a virtual community.  They had built everything,  houses, a school, shopping mall and all the other needs of a small town.

The planning officer would not be very happy when I returned with the film footage.

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Filed under Flash fiction, Self compositions, Whimsical

RonovanWrites #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge #232 Foot&Mouth


With an open mouth,

you may put your foot in it,

size doesn’t matter


Filed under As you read it, Haiku, Self compositions, Whimsical