Monthly Archives: May 2019

Crimson’s creative challenge #29


I looked up at the clock on the windowsill. It was obvious that time was running out. New candles needed.

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Filed under Factual, Flash fiction, History, Self compositions, Whimsical

samiscribbles weekend writing prompt #107 #spin


Gaydon had been celebrating. Darts night in The Cottage Inne and his team had just won. It was time to go home. Rosie, his wife  would be waiting up for him. On his way he saw some people dancing in the moonlight. They grabbed his hands and he found  himself spinning faster and faster till he collapsed. He awoke alone and continued his walk home to tell Rosie he had been pixie-led. Fool, she said, you should have turned your coat inside out and you would have been safe from their spells.


Filed under As you read it, Factual, Flash fiction, History, Inspired by fable, Old knowledge, Self compositions

Ronovan writes #Weekly #Haiku #Prompt #255


If your team are fast

when you enter the pit lane

then all is not lost

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Filed under Factual, Haiku, Self compositions, Sporting Life, Whimsical

Crimson’s Creative Challenge #28

D2815E30-8DEA-4EDC-85CE-1FB841B21CC3.jpegAproaching the twilight of my earth bound time I made a personal pilgrimage to the Tuscan countryside of my youth.  The farmhouse was strikingly familiar, memories came flooding back. Despite the passage of over fifty years I still held the fantasy that as I approached the stable door that familiar long blonde nose framed with gold, would peer out and in that curiously American accent my great friend, with his own particular lip-smacking sound would greet me as before; ready to offer advice and his own style of philosophical thought. Sadly it was not to be, “Mister Ed,” the wonderful talking horse was long gone to the glue factory in the sky.

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Filed under As you read it, Flash fiction, History, Self compositions, T V nostalgia, Whimsical

Weekend Writing Prompt #106 – Zodiac


The creatures of the earth  were offered to the maiden. A lion, bull, goat, ram, scorpion, crab, fish from the sea.  Chosen twins held the scales, as the water-bearer performed her ritual. The archer, bow in hand stood guard over the ancient ceremony.

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Filed under Alternative history, Inspired by fable, Old knowledge, Self compositions, Uncategorized

Ronovan writes #Haiku #254 Sweet and heart


Sweet were her kisses

with betrayal in her heart

lies behind a smile

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Filed under As you read it, Factual, Haiku, On the lines of romance, Self compositions

Thursday photo prompt #Wicker #writephoto

wicker dancers

In the field there danced three witches

no bones nor flesh just willow switches,

holding hands they whirled around

though their feet never left the ground,

while all who watched were filled with glee

laughing at their transparency

nothing to worry us here they said

one good fire and the witch is dead.


Filed under Comic verse, Inspired by fable, Old knowledge, Self compositions, Whimsical

Carpe Diem #1665 Tan Renga – “Miscanthus bud”

another year is gone
a traveler’s shade on my head,
straw sandals at my feet

moments, like a passing breeze

served as tutor for my soul

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Filed under As you read it, faith, Old knowledge, On the lines of romance, Self compositions

IWH Haiku/Senryu Challenge #19


artist unattributed

Her arms held aloft

celebrating her breakthrough.

the glass ceiling smashed.


Filed under Alternative history, As you read it, Haiku, Self compositions

MLMM photo challenge #263


photo – Christo Dagorov

This gives a whole new meaning to having chapped lips.


Filed under Self compositions, Whimsical