Crimson’s Creative Challenge #285 #Magic melody

From high up in the hawthorn tree

a beautiful song drifted down to me

I couldn’t see the melodic bird

but instantly knew what I had heard

not a skylark or even nightingale tweet

but a songthrush with its song so sweet.


Filed under Self compositions

Sammiscribbles weekend writing prompt #359 #Know the Bard

Prospero, Alonso, Ariel and Gonzalo

Caliban, Adrian, even Francisco

if you are wandering from where came these names

then reading,”The Tempest,” should surely be your aim.


Filed under Self compositions

One liner Wednesday

Didn’t I warn you, one family move in and then the whole street is full of them, it’s time we left.

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Filed under Self compositions

Crimson’s Creative Challenge #282

Every Wednesday I post a photo (this week it’s that one above.) You respond with something CREATIVE Here are some suggestions: An answering photo A …

Crimson’s Creative Challenge #282

I can only imagine that Charon is on his Easter break


Filed under Re-blogged

Crimson’s Creative Challenge #284 #Do gooders eh.

Wearing dayglo, his cycling helmet back to front

we know he’s a typical safety conscious idiot

while missing the sign he’s run into the bush

I think it’s time he went home for lunch

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Filed under Self compositions

21st century tale of the riverbank

Ratty loved to sit on the grassy bank of the winding river.  Relaxing in the warmth of the sun it was hard to stop his little eyes from closing, lean back and just lie with his head resting on one of the soft, sheep-nibbled tussocks. Today though it was not to be for he only had one thought in mind. Staring into the dark, gaping, arched mouth of the tunnel he was eagerly awaiting the next rush of foam coming out into the light of day. His nostrils and whiskers started to twitch and quiver in anticipation as he heard the iron grill rising, knowing a rush of sweet-smelling sewage would soon come pouring out once more as another mass of rubbish was discharged into the sparkling stream. Each time it occurred he would dive into the water, paws outstretched as he paddled through the grey scum on the surface of the water and with a merry smile on his face sift through the dark tumbling cloud examining any floating lumps for delicacies to take home to his little burrow where he could spread them out before Mistress rat and after she had made her choice they would both slowly eat their chosen meal.


Filed under As you read it, nature inspired, Self compositions, Short story

Sammiscribbles weekend writing prompt #357 #Hot and cold, a state of mind

The earth, ourselves and all we know

of things called atoms is composed

joined up they form molecules

which we learn about in school

but think of them as fast-moving flies

whose movement makes the temperature rise


Filed under Self compositions

Crimson’s Creative Challenge #281 A father’s ingenuity

The little fairy’s wings were the wrong way round

they couldn’t lift her off the ground

and her daddy didn’t like to see her sadly sitting there

so he made a little engine to lift her in the air

and here we can see a picture of the lass

the engine in her hands and exhaust pipe up her back

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Filed under Self compositions

Sammiscribbles weekend writing prompt #356 #Confession

I looked at the word froward as you might, and thought surely this cannot be right, for even though I’m quite good with words, this was one that I had never heard so as I found the word intriguing I looked on Google for its meaning

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Filed under Self compositions

Crimsons Creative Challenge #279 #Tourney at the magic cottage


O’er hill and dale, from forests green

came fairies , denizens of dreams

for as was the custom in this land

a trial was set to claim the hand

of the fair and beautiful Trixie,

daughter of the King of pixies

From northern lands came Knghts and Lords,

all were armed with lance or sword

warrior magicians, heroes, clerics,

and dark skinned Sheikhs and mystics

their swords and scimitars made of gold

eager to claim this prize foretold

in legends and their country’s fables

discussed at length o’er dining tables

in an enchanted forest this cottage stands

invisible to any mortal man

but if somehow this house be seen

t’would appear nought but a dream






Filed under As you read it, Inspired by fable, On the lines of romance, Otherworldly, Self compositions