Monthly Archives: Nov 2019

Crimson’s Creative Challenge #55


I looked at my neighbour

and she looked at me

then she smiled, bowed her head

and asked if I could see

that we and all the the other posts

were painted quite brightly.

I asked her for the reason

and with a smile of glee,

she said tonight when the park is closed

we will dance round the old dead tree


Filed under As you read it, Humorous, Inspired by fable, On the lines of romance, Self compositions, Singalong

Colleen’s 2019 Weekly #Tanka Tuesday #Poetry Challenge No. 155 #SynonymsOnly End/Hurry

1FC18AC1-FC35-4973-A8CF-18EEC7FFD143Hare, knew the result

was a foregone conclusion

no point in rushing,

the triumph of the tortoise

became the stuff of legend.


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Filed under Alternative history, As you read it, Inspired by fable, Self compositions, Tanka

Sue Vincent’s #Writephoto ~Light #Shadorma


In Western skies

Hyperion’s son

in fiery


expelling dark eyed Luna’s,

cold nocturnal grip



Filed under Factual, Inspired by fable, nature inspired, Old knowledge, Self compositions, Shadorma

Sue Vincent’s thursday-photo-prompt-light-writephoto/

Across western skies

see Hyperion drive his


in splendour

expelling Luna’s , shaded

icy grip.



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Filed under Factual, Old knowledge, Otherworldly, Shadorma

Ronovan Writes #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge #281 Mess&Intense


My mind is a mess,

moulding intense emotions,

maelstrom of madness.


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Filed under Haiku, Self compositions, The art of thinking

Sammiscribbles Weekend Writing Prompt #133 ~Thoughts of Yew.


I stand in silence exuding the dignity expected by my infrequent, reluctant visitors. Casting long shadows over the darkened windows, the black lace veils and dark suits so seldom aired. Offering comfort through familiarity to the grief-stricken, the respectful onlookers, the older ones knowing what best to say and do. Inwardly I smile for have I not, like many of my kind, stood guard at the cemetery gates for half of my two hundred year life.


Filed under As you read it, Factual, Flash fiction, On the lines of romance, Self compositions

Saturday Six Word Story Prompt #13 – November 23, 2019 ~ Misery #6wsp

Moment of marriage, lifetime of misery.


Filed under Double tanka, Flash fiction, From the heart, Self compositions

mindlovemiserysmenagerie first-line-friday-november-22nd-2019/

Eden saw doubt in their trembling smiles, they never expected her to recover. She had never seen compassion in anyone’s eyes before and was confused and frightened at their touch. Although not unpleasant it felt strange to have gentle hands running down her back and over her flanks. She yawned and felt she had to try and stand, if only to take a small sip of water. A privilege denied her for the past two days. Unsteadily, she shook her head and stretching her legs made as if to stand. It was too difficult but she heard an unfamiliar babble of sound. The tones were gentle, reassuring and somehow she understood that today would be the first day of a new life. When she opened her eyes she heard a loud cheer and looking into the eyes that stared down at her she could make out the tears running down. She too wanted to cry but it was with happiness not the pain she had often felt as she was taken out of her crate for yet another mating. She was sure this would be different and she did not resist as she found herself being lifted. She felt a soft blanket cover her and instinctively knew she was being rescued from her life of hell.


Filed under As you read it, Factual, Inspired emotion, Self compositions, Short story

The Friday Reminder and Prompt for #SoCS Nov. 23/19 ~flyer/ad

I scan the shelves and my eyes alight upon a magazine I haven’t read for a couple of months. To encourage my desire to maintain a reasonable level of fitness in my advancing years and on the advice of my GP. I remove it from the shelf. As is customary nowadays it is encased in a clear polythene wrapper. Oblivious to the current concern about single use plastic the publishers appear to share my own irritation at the number of people I see reading all the magazines without a thought of purchase, thus leaving the merchandise in second-hand condition, creased pages and dog-eared corners and all. After purchase I get the magazine to the car and head home. Eagerly I tear my way in and as I turn the first page an avalanche of paper leaflets fall onto the table thence onto the floor. Upon retrieval I glance at the inane sheaf of brightly coloured sheets. Amidst the promises of untold riches if I am willing to make a telephone call for a mere two pounds a minute I notice one extolling the virtues of a home stairlift, a winch to raise me from the bathtub and a host of ingenious ideas to make life easier in the home. Very helpful to an expected clientele of people considering conquering all the long distance footpaths in Britain or walking holidays in the country of their choice. At least they haven’t been clogging up the hard-pressed postal system.

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Filed under As you read it, Factual, From the heart, Self compositions

Colleen’s 2019 Weekly #Tanka Tuesday #Poetry Challenge No. 154 #PhotoPrompt #shadorma

1FC18AC1-FC35-4973-A8CF-18EEC7FFD143Crouching low

she turns with a smile,


smooth white limbs

encased in mesh, not feathers

will she fly with me?

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Filed under nature inspired, On the lines of romance, Self compositions, Shadorma, Uncategorized