Category Archives: faith

Crimson’s Creative Challenge #236 #Belinda’s bower

Neath shady branches sits

a coffin carved from cold

grey granite garnished

with a softening mass

of fragrant mosses fair

as if to stir fond memories

of the flowing flaxen

tresses once so proudly borne

by the maid who lies within

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Filed under faith, Inspired emotion, Self compositions

Sammiscribbles weekend writing prompt #267 #Reworking

Veiled ladies dab red eyes with lace handkerchiefs, sombre looking men stand unsmiling, their eyes cast downward, reminding us that from clay we are made and to earth we shall return.

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Filed under faith, Self compositions

Ronovan writes #Decima prompt #91 #Devotions,

At six o’clock the vespers bell,

in gloomy silence through the aisle

eight black clad figures slowly file

I waking now, might fear in hell

but memory my chest would swell

as fulfilling spiritual need

I turn the page from which I read

the chosen passage of the day

while with heads bowed my brothers pray

as we avow our daily creed

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Filed under faith, Self compositions

Sammiscribbles weekend writing prompt #231 #Miracle

There was a man possessed by a demon

he said his name was Legion

for we are many he whined

before being cast into the swine

and driven out of the region

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Filed under Christian, faith, Self compositions

Heeding Haiku With Chèvrefeuille, November 20th 2019, at dawn

Egypt (166)The sun rises once more

but now breeds understanding

first dawn of mankind

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Filed under Factual, faith, Haiku, History, Inspired by fable, nature inspired, Old knowledge, Self compositions, The art of thinking

MLMM’s First line Friday :October 25th, 2019

He came down from the mountains as autumn aged, before the paths could pile with snow and the bridges bowed with ice. After eighty-nine days he had still not found a trace of his goal. Every morning he had trekked the, by now familiar, circuit looking for any signs that his quarry had passed by, always with the same negative result. It had been the same for the past three years. his hunting skills had been slowly diminishing. He knew that he would not spend another season on these mountains. He had made friends with bears, the wild mountain goats, the eagles that swooped high over the mountain. He called them friends without receiving anything in return but the pleasure of fleeting sightings as armed only with camera and binoculars he had watched the parent beasts and their offspring, in their battles for life in this harsh territory. There were good and bad times but they had all given him the pleasure he craved. He had but one regret. With two more cameras to check, once again he was beginning to  feel disheartened. He saw the red light blinking as he approached, at least it had caught something. Could this be the  one he was looking for. He crouched down on the damp soil and removing his knapsack reached in to pull out his laptop. Releasing his fingers from the thick mittens he plugged a lead into the top of the box and crossing his fingers, once more waited for the picture to appear. The screen looked snowy at first. Interference providing it’s own blizzard conditions but as it started to clear he felt the usual tense stirrings of excitement. In the top corner were two dots of light, pinpointed in the infra-red beam. Could this be the  one? Eyes, and they were coming closer. It was unmistakable, a round off-white, cat-like face, black whiskers trembling.  His first snow-leopard. Proof that they were still in the area. He started to cry. Nothing else would or could ever compare to this moment.   


Filed under faith, Flash fiction, nature inspired, On the lines of romance, Self compositions

Ronovan Writes #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge #275 Wail&Wake



Listen to the wail

of the soul that cannot wake,

day of reckoning.



Filed under As you read it, dystopian view, faith, Haiku, Old knowledge, Self compositions

RonovanWrites #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge #270 Pure&Serene


Pure thoughts emanate

from his serene countenance,

smile of the Buddha.

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Filed under As you read it, Factual, faith, Haiku, Inspired emotion, On the lines of romance, Otherworldly, Self compositions

Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie, First Line Friday: August 16th, 2019

The capitol grew rank in the summer heat, the humid streets clogged with sweating tourists and rats. Both were welcome, the tourists for the money they could put in the pockets of the traders, and the rats, the over-riding reason why there were so many tourists. The vast majority here to visit the Karni Mata temple, better known as  the Temple of the  Rats. What the vast  majority don’t realise is that  it is only the twenty thousand or so black rats who live within the temple precinct are sacred. The ones who they see scurrying around the streets while they browse for souvenirs of this wonderful if not stomach-turning experience, the ones lazing on the sun-bleached walls and roof and those who roam uninvited in their hotel rooms are just rats. 


Filed under As you read it, Factual, faith, Self compositions

RonovanWrites #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge #266 Twisted&Cross

A palm leaf, twisted

into the shape of a cross.

Sign of the faithful.


Filed under Christian, Factual, faith, Haiku, Self compositions