Monthly Archives: Jan 2023

Ronovan writes #Haiku weekly prompt #447

A sheltered inlet

free from effervescent waves

with Spring comes the storm

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Sammiscribbles weekend writing prompt #296 #Crisis , what crisis

When I first started living on the street

many kinds of people I was compelled to meet

I expected to encounter some antipathy

and I was certainly not looking for sympathy

but what shocked me was the sense of apathy


Filed under Self compositions

Crimson’s Creative Challenge #220 #We are but here to serve.

The old, moss-covered granite, packhorse bridge stands proudly above the noisy, never ending brook. Both have served the community for many ages past but today the relatively youthful bridge is doubly proud, for his carefully placed, leafy decoration has donned its frosty Winter morning jewellery. “Aha, he thought, top that my friend, with all your haste, your sun-dappled ripples cannot compare.” Just wait, the Goddess of the stream hissed, for in times to come the unseen, slowly creeping ice will stretch your bones and then you’ll ache,” and turning over lazily, dived deeply, a cold smile spreading over her face.


Filed under Self compositions

Ronovan writes #Haiku prompt #446

Raising the cover

I hear each chirp as hello

a cry for freedom

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Sammiscribbles weekend writing prompt #295 #Accident of birth

I can tell you a story about two brothers

as twin boys go they were like no others

for one was a shy boy who never said a word

the other loquacious and always to be heard

as he questioned his parents about everything

while the other brother just stood there listening

while seeming quite puzzled by the difference in their sons

they often quietly pondered on the prospects for each one

they agreed that one should be a politician

while the other would just get things done.


Filed under Self compositions

Crimson’s Creative Challenge #219 #Hearts of oak

The men of war of England made us what we are

our unique character was fashioned by Jack Tar

with his powerful cannons and iron balls

that’s why they called them the Wooden Walls

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Ronovan writes #Haiku weekly prompt #445

Free from worldly woes

the cobbler attends his last

all men have their worth

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Samiscribbles weekend writing prompt #294 #The show must go on

I am Doctor Jones, a practitioner in a small village. I like amateur dramatics and act as prompt for our local society. A few years ago we were doing, “The inspector calls,” Tom the lead was prone to forgetting his script. He had mentioned feeling rather queer but the show was a great success and surprisingly Tom was word-perfect, something I had been concerned about. After the show the performers took their bows but Tom was missing. I found him collapsed backstage half-dressed with no response. I was certain that he must have been dead for at least two hours.


Filed under Self compositions

Crimson’s Creative Challenge #218 #Neath the still waters

Most are afraid to sit these days

though a tranquil scene before us lies

it remains haunted by old memories

one’s thoughts keep casting back to Pete

who loved to rest on this old seat

perhaps the rumours that were rife

about his neighbour and his wife

finally got the better of him

the day he took that fateful swim

and though the lifebuoy is close by

there was no one near to hear his cry

or perhaps he just slipped in silently

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Filed under Self compositions

Sammiscribbles weekend writing prompt #293 #Tales of derring do.

When we gallant few set off to hunt the wreck of the Hesperus we didn’t fully realise what could be the eventual tragic cost for us, as we sailed through the frozen waters of the Bosphorus our progress was really quite ponderous, the fickleness of the wind made our passage tortuous and the ship’s owners started to think our plans preposterous though our success was eventually fortuitous and made rich men of all of us.

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