Category Archives: Inspired emotion

Crimson’s Creative Challenge #236 #Belinda’s bower

Neath shady branches sits

a coffin carved from cold

grey granite garnished

with a softening mass

of fragrant mosses fair

as if to stir fond memories

of the flowing flaxen

tresses once so proudly borne

by the maid who lies within

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Filed under faith, Inspired emotion, Self compositions

Ronovan writes #Decima prompt challenge #81

I once knew a sailor called Jack

loved it when the ship’s sails unfurled

and off he’d sail around the world

never knowing when he would be back

trusting the Captain to plot the track

constantly hoping for a breeze

to carry them across the seas

seeing foreign harbour lights

with all their promise of delights

to cater for the sailors needs.

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Filed under Factual, Inspired emotion, Self compositions

Ronovan writes Decima prompt #52 Darkness before morning

The announcement that we all expected

came cutting through the usual noise

of children occupied with toys,

from household chores thoughts deflected,

eyes and ears to screens directed,

sombre is the next announcement

as they hear the dark pronouncement

today life has come to an end

for well loved husband, father, friend

reflecting on a life well spent

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Filed under Factual, From the heart, Inspired emotion, Self compositions, Uncategorized

Sammiscribbles weekend writing prompt #201

While I was sitting in my room

from next door’s radio came a tune

a few minutes passed as I listened

feeling slow tears as my eyes glistened

knowing I’d heard the tune before

probably from some movie score

Barber’s Adaggio for strings apparently

which William Orbit arranged so fluently.

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Filed under Factual, Inspired emotion, Self compositions, Stirring the memories, Uncategorized

mindlovemiserysmenagerie first-line-friday-november-22nd-2019/

Eden saw doubt in their trembling smiles, they never expected her to recover. She had never seen compassion in anyone’s eyes before and was confused and frightened at their touch. Although not unpleasant it felt strange to have gentle hands running down her back and over her flanks. She yawned and felt she had to try and stand, if only to take a small sip of water. A privilege denied her for the past two days. Unsteadily, she shook her head and stretching her legs made as if to stand. It was too difficult but she heard an unfamiliar babble of sound. The tones were gentle, reassuring and somehow she understood that today would be the first day of a new life. When she opened her eyes she heard a loud cheer and looking into the eyes that stared down at her she could make out the tears running down. She too wanted to cry but it was with happiness not the pain she had often felt as she was taken out of her crate for yet another mating. She was sure this would be different and she did not resist as she found herself being lifted. She felt a soft blanket cover her and instinctively knew she was being rescued from her life of hell.


Filed under As you read it, Factual, Inspired emotion, Self compositions, Short story

Colleen’s 2019 Weekly #Tanka Tuesday #Poetry Challenge No. 153 #SynonymsOnly Grace & Style

1FC18AC1-FC35-4973-A8CF-18EEC7FFD143Strings cannot withstand

the consummate elegance 

of the wielded bow,

low tears wrenched from moistened eyes,

released by the cello’s mood.






Filed under As you read it, Factual, Inspired emotion, On the lines of romance, Self compositions, Stirring the memories, Tanka

Ronovan writes weekly #Haiku prompt #274



Egypt (167).JPGRising from the ground

the roaring, giant lantern

lifts into the air.


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Filed under As you read it, Factual, Haiku, Inspired emotion, nature inspired, On the lines of romance, Self compositions, Stirring the memories

RonovanWrites #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge #270 Pure&Serene


Pure thoughts emanate

from his serene countenance,

smile of the Buddha.

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Filed under As you read it, Factual, faith, Haiku, Inspired emotion, On the lines of romance, Otherworldly, Self compositions

Rhyming Friday

Confined by health to her reclining chair

she told her nurse, “I’m dying.”

She replied by calling her a silly mare

but they both knew she was lying.


The old lady refused her breakfast

saying, “Please take it away,

last night’s dinner will be my last,

for the Angels are coming today.”


And the nurse with a smile jokingly said,

“You’re a bit grumpy today,

did you get out the wrong side of the bed

they’re not coming to take you away.”


The old lady passed away at lunchtime,

died peacefully but alone.

The smile on her face when they found her

told them the Angels had carried her home.


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Filed under As you read it, faith, Inspired emotion, On the lines of romance, Self compositions

An ironic tale with more than a hint of sadness

Sadly, my mother passed away two weeks ago. As you can imagine there is always a lot to do at this painful time. I am currently seated in her electrical recline and lift chair making all the necessary arrangements. She was confined to this room and two others for two years prior to her demise. Her main regret was not being able to watch the birds on the feeders as she was able in her previous garden. Due to her inability to stand she was unable to see the birds frequenting this small garden from this seat. Looking up, I glanced out of the window as I had noticed a stirring of the abundant foliage of the honeysuckle bush beside the window.  Then the dark brown head of a hen blackbird emerged. Within two minutes a cockbird flew into the bush, passing in full view of the window. Had my mother been alive she would have reported the sightings to me during our next telephone chat. In all this time this is the first time a bird of any species has chosen to nest in the bush. She would have been able to follow the progress of the raising of a family from the comfort of her chair.  But sadly this is not to be. Is this irony, I for one cannot say but it underlines the sadness that invariably accompanies death whether a curse or a blessing.

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Filed under As you read it, Factual, From the heart, Inspired emotion, nature inspired, On the lines of romance, Self compositions