Category Archives: Old knowledge

Sammiscribbles weekend writing prompt #245 An Exmoor tale of superstition and a gullible wife

Charlie Bates was happy with life

often going on Saturday night

to his local pub for a pint

then go home to his wife

making his way across the moor

but one day he was very late

his wife worried about his fate

till he came in through the door

claiming he’d been pixie led

with a smile his worried wife said

next time fool, here’s what you do

turn widdershins, they can’t bother you.


Filed under Old knowledge, Self compositions

Crimson’s Creative Challenge #161

I find when talking to country folk

their favourite tree is the mighty oak

so just last week whilst driving my truck

I stopped near this one to have a look

and you can imagine my surprise

I’m sure I saw a pair of eyes

so I jumped back in to tell my mate Stan

He said, don’t worry, tiz just the Green Man

he won’t hurt you if you leave him alone

but I think we’d best start heading for home.


Filed under nature inspired, Old knowledge, On the lines of romance, Rural life, Self compositions

Sue Vincent’s #Writephoto ~Light #Shadorma


In Western skies

Hyperion’s son

in fiery


expelling dark eyed Luna’s,

cold nocturnal grip



Filed under Factual, Inspired by fable, nature inspired, Old knowledge, Self compositions, Shadorma

Sue Vincent’s thursday-photo-prompt-light-writephoto/

Across western skies

see Hyperion drive his


in splendour

expelling Luna’s , shaded

icy grip.



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Filed under Factual, Old knowledge, Otherworldly, Shadorma

Heeding Haiku With Chèvrefeuille, November 20th 2019, at dawn

Egypt (166)The sun rises once more

but now breeds understanding

first dawn of mankind

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Filed under Factual, faith, Haiku, History, Inspired by fable, nature inspired, Old knowledge, Self compositions, The art of thinking

Heeding Haiku With Chèvrefeuille, November 6th 2019, Halloween


Pumpkins and candles

coax loud screams from the children

on Eve of all Hallows

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Filed under As you read it, Factual, Haiku, Old knowledge, Otherworldly, Self compositions, Temperatures rising

Heeding Haiku With Chèvrefeuille, October 30th 2019, Bluebells

Harrington (13)Best tread warily,

beneath this fragrant carpet,

sleeping fairies lie.




Filed under Alternative history, As you read it, Haiku, Inspired by fable, Old knowledge, Otherworldly, Self compositions, Uncategorized

Ronovan Writes #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge #275 Wail&Wake



Listen to the wail

of the soul that cannot wake,

day of reckoning.



Filed under As you read it, dystopian view, faith, Haiku, Old knowledge, Self compositions

Sue Vincent’s photo prompt: Harbinger #writephoto



The villagers hated to see the magpie who nested in the old elm tree. To them it seemed  the bird had been sitting up there forever, with it’s mocking call and loud chattering every time any one passed by. It wasn’t so much that they disliked magpies, in fact most admired his contrasting black, blue and white plumage.

To them though this one was different, he had never been seen with a mate, in fact no other magpies had ever been seen or heard near the old tree where he was perpetually on guard. This caused the villagers, both old and young distress, for in accordance with the old, well known saying, “One for sorrow, two for joy, ” it was customary to greet a solitary magpie with a, “Good morning, mister magpie, how’s your wife. ”

To ignore a single magpie was sure to cause evil to the observer. It now seemed that any event that could be ascribed to bad luck was the fault of someone failing to pay the necessary respects to their resident bird. As he  got older he had taken on the mantle of, and was often referred to as, “The Harbinger of Doom.”

Fearful of dire repercussions if they did anything to harm the bird, the villagers realised that all they could do was wait until they saw the bird no more, in the hope that this ill-starred resident had finally taken his leave, then hopefully his place would be taken by a pair or perhaps more of his kind.


Filed under Flash fiction, Inspired by fable, nature inspired, Old knowledge, Rural life, Self compositions

Sammiscribbles Weekend Writing Prompt #124 – Barter


Faustian bargain

will be redeemed on demise

pact with the Devil.

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Filed under As you read it, Haiku, Inspired by fable, Old knowledge, Otherworldly, Self compositions