Category Archives: T V nostalgia

Samiscribbles~Weekend Writing Prompt #116 – Amateur

The audience are seated, the theatre lights slowly start to dim.Up on the stage the curtains twitch. A single spotlight shines. An expectant hush settles throughout the auditorium. The curtains on the stage slowly open. The audience burst into loud applause at the sight before them. Another amateur dramatic production begins.


Filed under Flash fiction, Self compositions, T V nostalgia

Crimson’s Creative Challenge #28

D2815E30-8DEA-4EDC-85CE-1FB841B21CC3.jpegAproaching the twilight of my earth bound time I made a personal pilgrimage to the Tuscan countryside of my youth.  The farmhouse was strikingly familiar, memories came flooding back. Despite the passage of over fifty years I still held the fantasy that as I approached the stable door that familiar long blonde nose framed with gold, would peer out and in that curiously American accent my great friend, with his own particular lip-smacking sound would greet me as before; ready to offer advice and his own style of philosophical thought. Sadly it was not to be, “Mister Ed,” the wonderful talking horse was long gone to the glue factory in the sky.

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Filed under As you read it, Flash fiction, History, Self compositions, T V nostalgia, Whimsical