Monthly Archives: Mar 2019

Reasons To Go Out To Write

Great advice for those, like me, who are easily distracted

M.L. Davis Writer

Most writers experience procrastination. It’s so easy to get caught up in all the other things you need/want to do, which leads to putting writing to the side. However, I’ve found that a great way to stop that from happening is to go out and write instead. Here’s why;

No home distractions
Yesterday I tidied and cleaned my home, caught up on some television I’d been wanting to watch, did the laundry…and of course these things are important. But the point is, when you’re at home, you’ll always see the housework that needs doing or the TV you could be watching. Being out, in any good place to write, takes away these other options.
novel writingIt feels like a treat
Taking yourself to a cosy coffee shop and enjoying a hot drink and a slice of cake is a treat. If you look at it like that it becomes a…

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Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie Photo Challenge #256


Another storm forecast. The third today. Sunset was another forty-three hours away so we could expect a few more before the day was out. Hopefully we would be able to get outside and rig the anti-icing screens before dark. Although only a curious form of purple twilight, not truly dark, it wasn’t safe working outside once the sun had gone down. The natives seemed to gather strength at these times and always wanted to make a scene. Their parties were not for me sadly. I preferred to sit in my chamber watching  re-runs of old sports games on my telekran. Anyway there was actually some work to do tonight. My discovery on the Carmillion plain today deserved a couple of extra hours. The only difficulty was how to get the news back home during one of the sparse communicator periods. That was when I got what I would call my flash of inspiration. Just like one of those bolts lighting up the mustard-yellow, methane-cloud filled sky. I will lodge a full report in my next telecast.


Filed under As you read it, Flash fiction, nature inspired, Self compositions

100 Word Wednesday: Week 114

road to changiSam looked at the trees lining the highway.  Varieties that he and his fellow prisoners had uprooted many years before. He knew tears would flow with every mile they covered, with each new memory. Memories of a life passed and lives lost amidst tears, both wasted and wasteful.  Tears mixed with sweat-diluted blood. In the blazing, tropical, midday sun, moisture was precious, the guards watching every move, seldom and reluctantly offering  water to drink. They had laid the track yard by yard but now he was perversely pleased to see their death railway transformed into the main highway through Burma

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Filed under As you read it, Factual, Flash fiction, Inspired emotion, Self compositions, Temperatures rising

MLMM Heeding Haiku with Chevrefeuille – Frogs #haiku


Lines across the road,

armed with buckets and torches

to save a species


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Filed under Factual, From the heart, Haiku, nature inspired, Self compositions

Crimson’s Creative Challenge #20


A good looking girl from Tredare

was employed in the signal  box there

while drivers waited at the crossing

they would watch her adjusting her stockings

and if the train was delayed no-one cared.



Filed under Limerick, Self compositions, Singalong, Whimsical

Spring haiku

Fragrant beauty forms

swirling, pastel shaded clouds.

Butterflies in prayer.


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Filed under Factual, Haiku, nature inspired, Otherworldly, Self compositions

RonovanWrites #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge #246 Narrow&Minded


As the  vote was lost

by such a narrow margin,

nobody minded.

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Filed under Haiku, Self compositions

Crimson Creative Challenge #19 #Limerick- Gunfight at the OK corral

37619B79-747F-4511-AED8-B4D2A448A221Five young gunslingers from Tooting

fed up with the hollering and hooting

so with nothing to lose

but their necks in a noose

should either fight their way out or die shooting



Filed under Alternative history, Factual, Inspired by fable, Self compositions, Whimsical

MLMM’s Heeding #Haiku With Chèvrefeuille, March 20th 2019 a new voice

When the cancer struck,

only way to save his speech,

a plastic voicebox.

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Filed under As you read it, Factual, From the heart, Haiku, Inspired emotion, No offence intended, Self compositions

Colleen’s 2019 Weekly #Tanka Tuesday #Poetry Challenge No. 128 #SynonymsOnly #cinquain

p-challenge-header (1)Taking

her by the hand

he  led her into the stream,

the crowd began to chant the psalms.






Filed under As you read it, Christian, faith, Self compositions