Category Archives: Rural life

Ronovan writes #Haiku weekly prompt #399

Bring your bell and pan

that rough justice may be given

to the unfaithful


Filed under Factual, History, Rural life, Self compositions

Crimson’s Creative Challenge #161

I find when talking to country folk

their favourite tree is the mighty oak

so just last week whilst driving my truck

I stopped near this one to have a look

and you can imagine my surprise

I’m sure I saw a pair of eyes

so I jumped back in to tell my mate Stan

He said, don’t worry, tiz just the Green Man

he won’t hurt you if you leave him alone

but I think we’d best start heading for home.


Filed under nature inspired, Old knowledge, On the lines of romance, Rural life, Self compositions

Crimson’s Creative Challenge #159 #Echoes of the past

As I walk along the sunken path

bordered both by fence and trees

my mind to calmer days is cast

when on most days there would be seen

men on horseback but more on foot

herding ponies, poultry, pigs or sheep

for this was once the road they took

down the valleys, over mountains steep

with dog and shout they drive them on

until at last their journey’s done.

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Filed under Rural life, Self compositions

Crimson’s Creative Challenge #143

Whilst on a trip down to the Weald

I went for a walk through the fields

The air smelt fresh, I soon saw why

On the hill was a huge pig sty

I have no qualms about pig-shit

Just glad I didn’t walk through it

Then a story came to my mind

The tale of the Gadarene swine

And the farmers in this region

Wouldn’t like it if I were Legion

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Filed under Comic verse, nature inspired, Rural life, Uncategorized

Crimsons Creative Challenge #140

Yesterday I went for a walk to see

what we had always known as the old dead tree

but you can imagine my surprise

at the beautiful sight that met my eyes

I stood and rubbed my eyes in disbelief

every old, twisted limb was coming into leaf

then I remembered what my mother once said

that nothing in nature is completely dead

and when old trees finally fall to the ground

their end of life will benefit all around

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Filed under Factual, From the heart, nature inspired, Rural life, Self compositions

Ronovan writes Haiku weekly prompt #360

Strange sounds in the air

perhaps it’s a wisp of snipe

demons raise their guns

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Filed under Factual, From the heart, Haiku, Rural life, Self compositions

Ronovan writes Decima challenge #55

Not far ahead there stood the hind

so he sank slowly to the ground

in order not to make a sound

his target had been hard to find

but the fates that day had been kind

raising his glasses to his eyes

he saw she had her fawn beside

and if they left the undergrowth

then he could surely shoot them both

because a camera never lies.

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Filed under nature inspired, Rural life, Self compositions

Crimson’s Creative Challenge #122 #Feeding frenzy forgotten

Dan the drake and Debbie duck

truly felt that at last their luck

had changed when to their delight

there was not another duck in sight

for to swim alone was such a treat

as there would be enough to eat

no jostling shoving that they must

endure in order to secure a crust

now when bread is cast upon the lakes

a leisurely paddle is all it takes.


Filed under Comic verse, Factual, Humorous, Rural life

Ronovan Writes #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge #276 Smoke&Water



Mist tendrils, as smoke

over dark, placid  water,

silver-flanked fish roll.


Filed under Factual, Haiku, nature inspired, Otherworldly, Rural life, Seasons, Self compositions

RonovanWrites #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge #273 Forest&Whisper


Fading forest light

casts long shadows over lips,

in nervous whisper


Filed under Factual, Haiku, nature inspired, Otherworldly, Rural life, Self compositions