Category Archives: nature inspired

21st century tale of the riverbank

Ratty loved to sit on the grassy bank of the winding river.  Relaxing in the warmth of the sun it was hard to stop his little eyes from closing, lean back and just lie with his head resting on one of the soft, sheep-nibbled tussocks. Today though it was not to be for he only had one thought in mind. Staring into the dark, gaping, arched mouth of the tunnel he was eagerly awaiting the next rush of foam coming out into the light of day. His nostrils and whiskers started to twitch and quiver in anticipation as he heard the iron grill rising, knowing a rush of sweet-smelling sewage would soon come pouring out once more as another mass of rubbish was discharged into the sparkling stream. Each time it occurred he would dive into the water, paws outstretched as he paddled through the grey scum on the surface of the water and with a merry smile on his face sift through the dark tumbling cloud examining any floating lumps for delicacies to take home to his little burrow where he could spread them out before Mistress rat and after she had made her choice they would both slowly eat their chosen meal.


Filed under As you read it, nature inspired, Self compositions, Short story


So finely balanced,

the setting sun,

the robin’s song,

streaks and breast

locked in combat

in dark shadows

the neon lights eclipse

their bold display

so familiar

so ignored

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Filed under nature inspired, Self compositions

Micro seasons

Useless now, her wings

forgotten like the sunlight

a Queen in the dark

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Filed under Factual, Haiku, nature inspired, Self compositions

Crimson’s Creative Challenge #212 #Creatures of the night

Beneath bronzed bracken fronds are formed

tracks left by frenzied creatures as

the rising sun proclaims the morn

the time for foraging now is passed

beneath drooping eyelids, bellies full

warm, grass-lined burrows gently call

for now their long night’s work is done

they again await the setting sun


Filed under nature inspired, Self compositions

Sammiscribbles weekend writing prompt #257 #Isn’t nature wonderful

The glow worm is a quite

small bug that goes out at night

he has a luminous bum

to invite females to come

and check out the eerie green light.


Filed under Factual, nature inspired, On the lines of romance, Self compositions

Ronovan writes #Haiku prompt #393

the red sun goes down

a line of geese in the sky

dusk precedes the dark

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Filed under nature inspired, Self compositions

Ronovan writes #Decima prompt #90 The beauty of nature

Out in the woods I saw today

guaranteed to lighten my heart

was a sight of natural art

for on the grass I spied a jay

although quite common so they say

as on the grass he alighted

true to say I was delighted

silver blue wingtips shining bright

and chessboard flanks of black and white

with fawn and purple neck and breast

his long beak probing on it’s quest

truly a magnificent sight


Filed under nature inspired, Self compositions

Sammiscribbles weekend writing prompt #240 Guardian of the forest

Whether in a sunlit forest clearing

or hidden deep within the dank, moist shade

he will be found forever preening

a gaudy, strutting Indian brave,

proudly standing with his tail displayed,

a hundred eyes are always watching

throughout earth’s history was there ever

found in nature a sight quite matching

the splendour of each jewelled feather

unlidded eyes that will not ever

close thus allowing him sleep or rest

all the while displaying pavonine breast

the faithful guardian of the forest

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Filed under nature inspired, On the lines of romance, Self compositions

Ronovan writes #Haiku challenge #388

Sea and sky entwined

like lovers, viewed from afar

our one blue planet

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Filed under nature inspired, Self compositions

Crimson’s Creative Challenge #161

I find when talking to country folk

their favourite tree is the mighty oak

so just last week whilst driving my truck

I stopped near this one to have a look

and you can imagine my surprise

I’m sure I saw a pair of eyes

so I jumped back in to tell my mate Stan

He said, don’t worry, tiz just the Green Man

he won’t hurt you if you leave him alone

but I think we’d best start heading for home.


Filed under nature inspired, Old knowledge, On the lines of romance, Rural life, Self compositions