Monthly Archives: Sep 2021

Crimson’s Creative Challenge #151

Me and my friend decided we

would have a go at astronomy

so we went to the forest clearing

just as the stars were appearing

so we set our astrolabe up

on a stump that was newly cut,

we pointed it at the East horizon

where the moon was newly rising

but to line it up was hard for me

the damn thing was on a slant you see

after an hour trying to set it up

we gave it up and went to the pub.

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Filed under Self compositions

Ronovan writes #Decima prompt #77 Night sky wonders

I looked up to the skies last night

and marvelled at the starry scene

but knowing much was left unseen

for if the moon is shining bright

small things are hidden from our sight

when in the moon’s reflected glow

they do seem reluctant to show

being so naturally shy

they easily avoid our eye

standing in wonder far below

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Filed under Factual, Otherworldly, Self compositions

Ronovan writes weekly #Haiku prompt #377

Better to come clean

than watch the suspicion rise

matter of conscience

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Filed under Modern maxim, Self compositions

Sammiscribbles weekend writing prompt #228 #Acrostic

Packed and ready in the corner

Over ‘neath the mantel-shelf

Red my leather binding bonds

Tightly tethered through each buckle

Metal hands grip firm each leather strip

Adjusted only for the journey

Never to release tight hold

Till we reach our destination

Even though the distance long

Accepting my task without complaining

Until I can rest, my purpose done.


Filed under Self compositions

Ronovan writes #Decima prompt #76

Over there it’s always sunny

and the grass is always greener

where the people take a keener

interest in mainly money

something which I find quite funny

if it did not often lead to

loud arguments among those who

really should know and act better

while some end up as a debtor

to those able to keep their cool

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Filed under Self compositions

Crimson’s Creative Challenge #150

My girlfriend and I thought a walk would be nice

as we passed here the owner gave us some advice

he said sitting on the ground was ok for talking

but here it’s quite hard so no good for forking

we thanked him and said for us it would suffice

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Filed under Self compositions

Ronovan writes Haiku prompt #376

Just fine and dandy

when the lion takes siesta

thinks the antelope

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Filed under Self compositions

6WSP #91 18 Sep 2021

Promised love was but a trick

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Filed under Self compositions

Sammiscribbles weekend writing prompt #227 Memories

In the sunset glow, both world and waters calm

we strolled along the seafront arm in arm

to right and left lounged rusting hulls

overhead drifted screaming gulls

and before us in uncanny silence

from the sands arose two twisted pylons

where one night a raging conflagration

had produced this scene of devastation

not just some ramshackle dwelling

but home to a story that merits telling

where once had been music and lights

Mods and Rockers clashed in vicious fights

a fun palace that gave so many families cheer

the splendour that used to be Southgate pier.


Filed under Self compositions, Stirring the memories

Crimson’s Creative Challenge #149

Moved and powered by the unseen breeze

we have all watched the growth of these plastic trees

their service to humanity I have no doubt

as they quietly wave their arms about

but the burning question we all can see

should they be planted on land or in sea

some think the former is a blight

while others think them a wonderful sight

whilst those who enjoy a coastal scene

tend to think of them as quite obscene

but all can agree their purpose is sound

to keep oil and coal safely in the ground.

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Filed under Self compositions