Crimson’s Creative Challenge #290 #You rang?

For many months, perhaps even years we had admired the old brick wall, with its coating of many coloured lichen and the apparently bleached patches, seemingly caused by the leaching of salt over the years. Although looking relatively new, the dark-stained door which we had never seen open conjured up all sorts of stories in our minds as to what terrors or even delights lay behind the intriguing facade. The bell pull was like something out of a Hammer vampire movie and it was just my luck that I had been picked to pull the bell, not to run off as with so many other doorbells but to wait and see who would answer the call. Whilst the others waited at a safe distance I approached and trying to show complete unconcern gave the handle a long tug. It moved easily and after a short while the door opened slowly inwards and to my amazement there he stood.

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Filed under Self compositions

1 responses to “Crimson’s Creative Challenge #290 #You rang?

  1. And you’re not going to tell me who he was. I imagine a monk, I’ll leave you with the vampire. Or Igor! 🙂

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