Monthly Archives: Jun 2024

Sammiscribbles weekend writing prompt #369

Although Mary Poppins it’s plain to see

did not possess a medicine degree

as a person she seemed so nice

we all should listen to her advice

and have a spoonful of sugar.


Filed under Self compositions

Crimson’s Creative Challenge #293 #Persistence in adversity

Walking on the crack in the pavement

when young was the path to bereavement

but if you take a look at this picture it’s clear

the reason why for us it used to hold such fear

if you stood on a flower before it opened in the sun

of food for the bees then there would be none.


Filed under Self compositions

Sammiscribbles weekend writing prompt #368 #What your granny wouldn’t tell you

It was as late as nineteen forty one

when to our war-torn shores came Americans

so while the British tommies were away fighting

the girls at home found that quite exciting

to do their duty was really quite plain

these amazing visitors should be entertained

who introduced with razzmatazz

the jive, the jitterbug and all that jazz

officers, enlisted men, they all seemed grand

in this quaint, still almost Edwardian land

when asked if they could get acquainted

modestly the reply was, Oh my sainted

Aunt, whatever are you trying to say?

before agreeing to a roll in the hay.

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Filed under Self compositions

Sammiscribbles weekend writing prompt #367 #Independent thinking

For those who are interested in history

cast your minds back to seventeen seventy three

because in that year far across the sea

we had the famous Boston tea party

on the throne of England was young George three

and some rich men formed the East India Company

who controlled parliament or so it would seem

who were granted an unfair monopoly

it had to do with the lucrative trade in tea

and in the end lost Britain a major colony

starting the war of Independence you see

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Filed under Self compositions

Crimson’s Creative Challenge #291 #the continuing saga.

I say he but in truth there was an androgenous figure dressed in a silver-white shimmering toga-like cloak. A pair of bare legs ended in pale brown leather sandals. Two black, unblinking eyes stared at me from a white, bloodless face. My first thought was angel but there was something unsettling in the softly uttered, “Please come in, we have been expecting you.” My surprise was even greater when I realised that as I passed through the doorway it did not lead into any form of room, indeed there was no building at all, instead there was just a short passage of what looked like medieval tiles which lead to an open stone archway, through which I saw an unkempt grassy garden bordered by an overgrown hedge. “But, but,” I started to say but my host placed an arm around my shoulder and gently pressed me forward.

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Filed under Self compositions

For lovers of poetry

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