Sammiscribbles weekend writing prompt #368 #What your granny wouldn’t tell you

It was as late as nineteen forty one

when to our war-torn shores came Americans

so while the British tommies were away fighting

the girls at home found that quite exciting

to do their duty was really quite plain

these amazing visitors should be entertained

who introduced with razzmatazz

the jive, the jitterbug and all that jazz

officers, enlisted men, they all seemed grand

in this quaint, still almost Edwardian land

when asked if they could get acquainted

modestly the reply was, Oh my sainted

Aunt, whatever are you trying to say?

before agreeing to a roll in the hay.

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Filed under Self compositions

1 responses to “Sammiscribbles weekend writing prompt #368 #What your granny wouldn’t tell you

  1. I am told that chewing gum became the currency, although classier ‘broads’ held out for stockings


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